Manila Miracle Revival 2008
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Manila Miracle Revival 2008
March 13 to 15, Araneta Coliseum, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

And ... signs shall follow them that believe ... they shall lay hands on the sick, and they (the sick) shall recover (Mark 16:17-18). The two hundred and sixty plus Gospelighters that went with Pastor Rony to the Manila Miracle Revival 2008 found this promise of the Lord Jesus to be so evidently true. Remarkably, everyone whom they laid their hands on received instant healing: either total or partial.

This three-night event conducted from March 13 to 15 at the Araneta Coliseum, in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines, was attended by almost 50,000 people. For the first two nights, we saw approximately 13,000 thousand coming each night. And on the last night, the event was witnessed by a crowd of about 17,000 in Araneta Coliseum and well over 4,000 in our two healing centers in Singapore. God’s mighty presence was in attendance each night. This was attested to by countless miracles that took place in every service.

Without exception, each night the cripple walked, the deaf heard, the dumb spoke and growths just instantaneously disappeared. Pastor Rony had the divine intuition that God was going to heal many people with growths and chronic lung conditions. True to that divine word of knowledge, many reported of being healed of those conditions. Numerous people with lung conditions such as chronic cough, pneumonia, asthma, etc were able to breathe with ease after prayers. Multitude of others firmly asserted that growths in different parts of their bodies just simply couldn’t be located anymore.

One local, who had a growth, the size of a ping-pong ball, on his left arm came on the last night of the event. He came only because he had to help his pastor to dismantle the backdrop after the event. While there, he heard Pastor Rony instructing those with a growth to gently push it and command it to go in the name of Jesus. He hesitatingly followed the instruction but to his great joy and amazement, it just simply disappeared. In its place was his crumpled skin. Hallulejah! Glory to God!

This Manila Miracle Revival also gave the team of Lighters who went with Pastor Rony three amazing days of basking in God’s wonderful presence in the prayer sessions. Many expressed that they had touched the throne of God and felt a mighty release of His great power into their lives. None who went could find adequate words to describe the superlative experiences that God had granted to them. They had touched Heaven and were used to change life. What a blessing! Praise the Lord!